Kalevala Koru launched the new "Kalevala Pidetty" second hand service. The outdoor advertising campaign had the opposite approach and goal - instead of selling, the focus was on buying jewelry from customers.
Kalevala Koru launched the new "Kalevala Pidetty" second hand service, where consumers can exchange used Kalevala jewelry for a Kalevala gift card easily, quickly and safely. The outdoor advertising campaign had the opposite approach and goal - instead of selling, the focus was on buying jewelry from customers.
The goals were exceeded with a digital outdoor advertising campaign
The idea of the new service concept is to collect used Kalevala jewelry and clean, surface treat and maintain it. The jewelry will be like new and will be sold to the next jewelry wearers. "We bring heritage to life by giving the Kalevala jewelry left at the bottom of the boxes a new life." Kalevala Jewelry's marketing manager Eija Hyvärinen states.
The target group of the campaign was adult women who can find old Kalevala jewelry. The target group was reached with digital outdoor advertising and the campaign's goals were already exceeded during the first month. "We want to show the direction that the jewelry business can also be strongly built on the circular economy. We have already exceeded our set goals in the first month. We opened on 15.11. also the sale of recycled Kalevala Pidetty jewelry in our online store - and the demand surprised us all." Hyvärinen continues.
With the help of an outdoor advertising campaign, the "Kalevala Pidetty" campaign was launched. It effectively reached the customers and the campaign was visible where people move, i.e. outdoors and in trams and subways. The campaign used visual and strong images and insightful texts that evoke emotions.

Sales started quickly and the campaign was continued
The outdoor advertising campaign worked excellently at the launch. It reached exactly the right target groups and the creative implementation activated people. Customers have also received a lot of positive feedback about the campaign.
The "Kalevala Pidetty" campaign has increased traffic to our website, brought a flow of customers to our stores, and used jewelry is also sent by mail. We have exceeded our goals set for the launch. Sales also started so quickly that we will continue our buy-in campaign. Responsibility is a visible part of our everyday life." Marketing manager Eija Hyvärinen says.